Rockwood is home to a quaint, historic downtown, where visitors will find antique & specialty shops, an old fashion drug store featuring an ole-fashioned soda fountain, Homecoming Park, an Event Center, a Visitor Center, a pet store, beauty and barber shops and restaurants, serving up some of the finest country cooking anywhere.
Businesses and citizens work hard to keep the downtown alive and flourishing. The Downtown Merchants Association hosts two festivals each year, Thunder Road and a Family Fall Festival. The Three River Rumble, an annual criterion bike race is in the planning stages of its third year. Over 100 racers show their skills as they maneuver throughout the downtown streets. Rockwood Electric Utility is in process of building a new office complex in the main downtown area. Local leaders are in hopes the project will help keep folks coming to the central portion of town and will encourage local dining and shopping.
Outside the unique downtown area, the city’s recreational opportunities are plentiful, including one of the finest baseball & softball complexes in the region, a community center complete with gymnasium, outdoor swimming pool, and community rooms for events, tennis courts, basketball courts, city parks, a nine hole golf course, and 52 acres bordering beautiful Watts Bar Lake, featuring a nice parking lot, boat launching ramp, pavilion, picnic tables, restrooms, and several floating fishing piers and docks, including handicap accessible. A recently awarded enhancement grant will connect the downtown to the Rockwood Waterfront via a greenway, including sidewalk improvements and additions, bike lanes, pedestrian lighting and a handicap accessible trailhead/comfort station complete with restrooms at the lake. City leaders support further development of the lake property as an economic driver and additional recreational opportunities for citizens and visitors.
The Roane County Industrial Park borders the city limits. The park is home to industries that employ many people in the region. Several of the industries have been in existence for years and are a stability to families and the economic state of the area. Retail business has increased a lot over the past five years in the outlying sections of the city. Local developers and entrepreneurs have set up shop on many corners and have filled what once was empty buildings during the economic downturn. Several businesses have expanded and have hired new employees. Local leaders intend to keep working hard to promote the area for business as well as tourism.
About our TownMunicipal Data
Municipal Court: Yes
2013 Population (Certified by TNECD): 5,562
Election Date: 11/01/2016
Grand Division: East
# of Employees: 60
2010 Population: 5,562
Square Miles: 8.1
Time Zone: Eastern